Francis Odupute

Straight from Nigeria, aka, Francodus brings to the GFP readers his vision of the trials and tribulations of his country through his raw compelling artwork!

He’s been cartooning in the media since 1992, and is the winner of the 2009 Population Institute’s Global Media Award for Excellence in population reporting (Editorial Cartoon Category).

Francodus is the head of the Cartoon Section, Editorial Department of the Nigerian Observer Newspaper in Benin City, and the initiator of the African Press Cartoon Syndication Company in Nigeria. He has participated in numerous international art/cartoon exhibitions and contests, and has a few solo art/cartoon exhibitions to his credit. He currently runs the Francodus Cartoon Course and Workshops under Ficdata in partnership with Beautiful Feet International and other collaborators; and plans an International Cartoon Festival in Nigeria with other artists, media practitioners, and other stakeholders.  You can reach Francodus here,
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Monday, 02 June 2008 20:00 Editorial Cartoonist - Francis Odupute



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