
Wednesday, 02 April 2008 19:00

Premier GrahamDear Mr. Premier,

I would like to express my concern regarding the recent cuts to New Brunswick's French Immersion Program.

What you have done, Mr. Premier, is lowered the bar. Instead of having proficiency targets of Advanced for Early Immersion Students, the target for students in the proposed Late Immersion Program will be Intermediate Plus. Once a lower standard is in place, programming doesn’t have to be as good, does it, Mr. Premier?

Tuesday, 25 March 2008 19:00

RiceDear Secretary Rice,

On March 13, Indonesian police arrested twelve people in Manokwari, West Papua, during a demonstration against a 2007 law banning the display of separatist symbols, including the Morning Star Flag. The demonstrations also called for a referendum regarding the political status of West Papua and expressed opposition to the 2001 Special Autonomy Law that they claim has failed to bring improvement to the lives of Papuan people.

Monday, 24 March 2008 10:25

This is an open letter to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John McCain. I doubt that you will take the time to actually reply to this letter even if you see it, but I want to try.


Saturday, 15 March 2008 19:00

ImageThank you all for your important works...for the people, by the people...with just laws...tain't that hard a concept!

Keep on point. There is a peaceful revolution afoot...

Public outrage has reached it's critical mass, heads have and will roll - WE THE PEOPLE have had it with sleazy politics that degrade us as nothing more than a glorified dictatorship replete with the the stench of hubris run amok.

We the peoples who torture our enemy yet deny them our wretched methods to our own have nary a moral right to object to any belligerency put upon our own hypocritical rights - to pursue happiness under just laws indeed!

Shakespeare would quiver in his grave if after all these years of grave sacrifice in seeking the truth of good will toward men ....that these modern humans whom have yet to practice civilized law...would still be still struggling with the idea of whether torture is good or bad.

Is pure folly of thy minds. Whew!!!!

Or so goes my thought gentle folk - Aloha Spirit be with you

Craig C Budreau
Austin , Texas

Tuesday, 04 March 2008 19:00

CalderonDear President Calderón,

I am writing to share some observations regarding the justice reform package that was approved by the Mexican Congress today. The reform is, in some respects, an historic step forward for Mexico, as it creates the basis for an oral and adversarial justice system and contains measures that are critical for promoting greater respect for fundamental rights. We welcome, for example, the proposal to include the basic guarantee of presumption of innocence in the Mexican Constitution.

Friday, 29 February 2008 19:00

Allan LutfySecret Trial Opponents Protest Placement of Unfounded, Dangerous Allegations on Federal Court website

The following letter was sent this afternoon to Chief Justice Allan Lutfy of the Federal Court of Canada expressing concerns that unfounded allegations based on secret suspicions have been prominently placed on the Federal Court of Canada website, thereby harming the fair trial opportunities available to those named in security certificates and contributing to the character assassination that this process entails.


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