Entertaining, Informative, and Editorial Videos

Wednesday, 11 November 2009 19:00 Faysal Ruwayha Videos

West BankWest Bank Checkpoints

A video clip that dramatically portrays the meeting of Israeli solders and Palestinians at controversial West Bank security checkpoints. This clip is the second of a series taken from "Land of the Settlers", the acclaimed documentary developed by Chaim Yavin, Israel's premier news anchor.

Provided by Faysal Ruwayha 


Sunday, 04 October 2009 19:00 Nicholas Ballasy Videos

Michael MooreDocumentary film director Michael Moore, who has become a millionaire thanks to the profits from his movies, told CNSNews.com that “capitalism did nothing” for him.

CNSNews.com spoke with Moore on the red carpet at the Uptown Theatre in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday night before the premiere of his upcoming documentary, “Capitalism: A Love Story."

CNSNews.com asked: “Critics may say, when they see this movie, Michael Moore has amassed a fortune of over $50 million, some have said and –”

Moore said: “Really? Are you kidding me? Seriously? Wow. Where did it go?”

Tuesday, 23 June 2009 19:00 Steven Crandell Videos

ImageThe Nuclear Age Peace Foundation is releasing a new DVD that aims to grow public awareness and involvement in the movement to eliminate nuclear weapons.

Called “U.S. Leadership for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World,” the 8-minute educational video shows how the US and the world will benefit by moving beyond nuclear weapons. It follows “Nuclear Weapons and the Human Future,” the Foundation’s first DVD. More than 5,000 copies have been distributed of this first DVD with another 5,000 plus views on the Internet.

The release, which features President Obama, comes at a time of great opportunity for progress toward nuclear disarmament. In April, speaking in Prague, President Obama laid out the goal in direct language; “Today, I state clearly and with conviction America's commitment to seek the peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons.”

Tuesday, 26 May 2009 19:00 Reporters Without Borders Videos

Swat Valley   Reporters Without Borders has interviewed Swat valley journalists who had to flee the fighting between the Pakistani armed forces and the Taliban. About 100 journalists and their families have had to seek refuge in Peshawar and other cities since the armed forces launched their offensive against the Islamist fighters. Swat’s media have ceased to operate and most of their journalists are now without any means of support.

Reporters Without Borders sent 5,000 euros in emergency funds to the Swat valley journalists because, as a result of being unable to work, they are now having to concentrate on finding shelter and food for their loved-ones.

The press freedom organisation, whose correspondent produced this video report about the plight of these journalists, is appealing for a broader-based campaign to come to their help.

Saturday, 23 May 2009 19:00 Reporters Without Borders Videos

ImageOn the anniversary of the Republic of Cuba’s creation on 20 May 1902, Reporters Without Borders calls for continued diplomatic efforts that could help improve access to news and information on the island.

When Raúl Castro was installed as president on 24 February 2008, he said he wanted to do away with “the excess of prohibitions and regulations” but Cubans are still denied the Internet access enjoyed by foreign visitors and 24 journalists are still in prison.

For more about this video please visit Reporters Without Borders.

Wednesday, 22 October 2008 19:00 Nicholas Ballasy Videos

President ObamaPresident-elect Barack Obama and his wife Michelle “have every right” to send their children to public or private school, and no one should “criticize” their decision, Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), said in an interview with CNSNews.com on Monday at the National Press Club.

In the nation’s capital, the amount spent per student, on average, in the public schools is $24,600 per year, according to education expert Andrew Coulson at the libertarian Cato Institute.

“That is a very, very, personal decision that the president-elect and soon-to-be first lady should make and should make in the best interest of their children, and no one should be critical of whatever decision they make. I’m sure they’re going to make the best decision for their children. I feel very strongly about that,” Vilsack said.


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