We now stand face to face with arguments between which is the right government, we stand to argue on which is the right religion, or sit over coffee and discuss another celebrity scandal that we should not really care.
We judge, we compare, we argue, and we get stressed. We cry, and in the end, in all the remaining parts of our life, we cannot seem to find bliss. We stick to the need to have the most premium material goods, to believe that respect comes from being a materialist, from power, from association, from everything around us.
And as we push forward with these belief, what have have created is someone else that is respected, but what is respected is not us.
How can we ever be respected if we do not value ourselves? How can we find value in ourselves when we have to externalize our value through objects and tyranny? We are indeed the most valuable assets in the evolution of the universe, or to point at the very least, the entire universe, and yet we have discounted ourselves heavily by being deceived to believe that it is something else that gives us value and not us. Invariably, we truly see ourselves as the body and not the soul.
And this is where the ultimate confusion has presented itself. The real confusion on body and soul is not understanding that we are infinite and far greater than what we take ourselves to be. We are the very core of the causal and potential for destruction and recreation, of burning down a city for a new one, for change that we can only imagine, that is how powerful we truly are, if only we can carry that passion.
We have been put to the illusion of false Gods and their representatives, clad in bright robes in external places of worship, looking outwards towards the sky and hoping for salvation, told to live in peace while killing the rest of creation. Morality was put forth in front of us through books because WE ARE ALL TOO LAZY TO THINK FOR OURSELVES. We are all too comfortable to be pathetic, we are all comfortable to ignore the little voice inside that actually makes sense. We can never be happy if we chase after and suffer for fleeting moments.
We then work and work and work and work, towards our poetic death that is less tragic than it looks, that is less eloquent than what we wish. If we wish to make our days count, if we wish to make our seconds count, then we should stop working for 8 to 16 hours just to have a nice place to sit on for 2 hours.
And while money is not evil, and enjoyment of money does no such. It is intrinsically incorrect to acquire wealth through disrespect of creation. Greed is caused by exploiting our surroundings, and not actual wealth itself. This accumulation of wealth, if it causes us to behave negatively towards others, depicts that we do not deserve anyone's respect. If wealth was acquired through deception of others to take their wealth away, this is theft in a grander scale.
And the value we put to inanimate objects, to temporary sensual desires, this value which causes us further torment in all other aspects is the greatest illusion. We fight each other to the end for something so useless and meaningless such as religion, for something useless and immoral such as politics, for something useless and risky such as global economics.
The malnourished are not the slim, but those who do not nourish their body's natural hunger for its required nutrients. Just the same, the malnourished minds are not the seemingly dim, but those who do not realize the reality of the universe.
Just as we think we get it, we don't, just as we think, we know, we don't, for this journey to realization is lengthy, but beautiful. We are all one, and this unity is our natural instinct to gravitate to everyone, especially when we still our minds and ask, "what is bliss?". Bliss is love.
And we then realize through the lowering of the veil that the real universe in all its math is perfect and growing, that it is but natural to want to live for the universe, to live for others, and if we want to live forever, then we should be willing to die for the happiness of the world.
We are the very poetry in the opus of the universe, the very notes that makes a symphony, the very cosmic vibration that has created the most grandiose earthquakes that awoke the passion of change.
It is time we accept to destroy ourselves and our beliefs, to be excluded from society, to be hated. It is time we stop and realize that if to love is to be hated, so be it.
It is time we start to think.
Image Courtesy of http://dalebrueggemann.blogspot.com: Elijah countering false gods.